Impact Bible quiz

Since 1967, thousands of students have actively been studying the Word of God through our Bible Quiz program. Impact Bible Quiz is an exciting, interactive game format similar to a game show you would see on TV. Two teams compete with 3 players on each team, attempting to answer a set of 20 questions that vary in difficulty. They have 30 seconds to answer the question & the team with the highest score at the end wins! Each quiz season covers a different portion of the Bible.
The purpose of the Bible Quiz ministry is to:
Encourage, by systematic study, an in-depth understanding of God’s word among our students.
Teach students to make daily application of the Word.
Motivate students to memorize the Bible.
Cultivate, through competition, a proper attitude toward winning and losing.
Teach students to reflect the spirit of Christ in attitude and action.
Provide, through travel and competition, opportunities to expand Christian fellowship among other students.
Provide an opportunity for discipling students.
There are three levels of quizzing:
Primary quizzing – ages 5-8
Junior quizzing – ages 9-12
Senior quizzing – ages 13-19
You can have up to 8 players on a team and each team requires a coach.