
Summerfest is our annual national event for kids and teens involved with Impact PCG Student Ministries across the United States. Each year students of all ages get together in a select city in the U.S. for 4 days of action packed events. Is Summerfest just for Kids? No! Is Summerfest just for Teens? No! Summerfest is FOR ALL! Summerfest is about connecting kids and teens from across the nation who are striving to impact the world in which we live. Summerfest is about connecting parents, pastors, leaders, and people who love, believe, and support the next generation. Featured activities include:
National Talent Expo: Kids and teens compete from all over the U.S., celebrating their God given gifts and talents.
Impact Bible Quiz National Tournament: Kids and teens compete, showing off their diligent study of God’s word over the past year through our IBQ program!
Impact Service: The highlight of our Summerfest event, where we gather together as one body to worship, be inspired by God’s word and transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit
Summerfest 2023 will be held in DFW, TX June 18-21, 2024. More information at