Impact Missions adventures

It is a proven fact that one of the greatest ways for students to DISCOVER their call, is to go on a missions trip. Impact Missions Adventures exists to provide opportunities for students of all ages to go on the mission field, both domestically in the U.S., and on trips all across the globe. Everyday, all around the world, and right here in the United States, people need our help. Can you imagine serving a warm meal to someone who has not eaten in days? Giving a gift to a child who has experienced very little joy in life? Can you imagine sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with someone who has never heard? We want to give you the opportunity to go on an Adventure that allows you to not only see the world but to change it! The hope and love of Jesus compels us to go beyond borders and city limits, takes us out of our comfort zones, into a diverse world full of culture and uniqueness that is desperate for the life of Christ that we have experienced.